Also known as DIY investing, self-direct investing is when you being an investor create and manage your own investment portfolios. That denotes you take care of your investment strategy by yourself. You’re the person who make a decision on which investment you wish to purchase or sell, and when. DIY investors generally employs some online trading platform to conduct the trade. They don’t like to take the advice of an investment adviser since they’re DIY kind of investors. What are the benefits of self-directed investing? Above all, you will pay lower fees if you work with some online brokers. That’ll let you trade with lower commissions & fees. This is based on the fact that with self-directed investing you don’t require any advice or advisor as you want to be Do It Yourself kind of investor. Moreover, you are capable of making your own research, and based on it, you will make an investment decision. You will have total control over your investment. As mentioned above, sel...