A lot of investors speculate whether they should invest in stocks. Analysis of facts is of primary importance instead of blindly accepting common myths. Here are the top 4 myths associated with stock market investment. Stocks only perform well during strong economics: Not all sectors perform ‘badly’ in slow economies. For example, even recessionary times Canadian financial institutions perform well because of their monopolistic status. You need money to make money: This is yet another most common stock market investment myth. Many people assume that they cannot start investing until they’ve a lot of money. But this is not the case. You don’t need to be a millionaire to start investing. The rule of 72 proves that the doubling of your investment (RRSP & TFSA) creates wealth. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/what-is-the-rule-72/ Investing is simple, just buy low & sell high: Most of the non-investors thin this way. They assume investing ...